Doubt and worry
Cause me to work to earn my place.
Who could love me?
Me?! The one who’s been hurt and done the hurting.
The one who lies and pretends to have it together.
The one who doubts her place here.
There is one who sees;
who knows the deepest crevices of my soul and heart’s desire.
You know me, as you know the child you’re knitting in my womb.
You see their face, you know who they will become.
You see my face.
You know who I’ll become.
You see me now.
When I don’t talk to you, you still listen.
When I hide my heart and keep my secrets, still you care.
Oh that I might rest and trust the goodness of the One who sees.
That I may believe what you say about me.
That I might rest in the goodness of a life spent in your arms and knowing gazes.
Will I ever be enough?
Will I ever prove to myself that the space I take up is worth the volume?
You say I am enough.
You say that I am worthy.
Therefore, I am worthy.
Therefore, I am approved.